The Canadian Motorcycle Hall of Fame has announced its inductees to be honoured at the 2014 Induction Ceremony & Banquet, held in Edmonton on September 27. The ceremony has been expanded into a ‘Motorcycle Memories Weekend’ this year, a celebration that, according to the CMHOF, “will preserve motorcycle history and showcase the sport of motorcycling in Edmonton.”
Organizers invite all club members and motorcycle enthusiasts to join the Canadian Motorcycle Hall of Fame for an evening of celebration. “Reach out as responsible riders and members of the community and strive to inspire all riders,” the group added.
Activities will include:
· Motorcycle demo rides – Harley-Davidson, Indian and Victory Sat. AM
· Poker Rally – Hosted by the HOG Group of Edmonton – Saturday AM
· Show and Shine – CVMG
· Hall of Fame Dinner and Induction Ceremony – Saturday PM
· Santa’s Anonymous Toy Run – Alberta Safety Council – Sunday AM
2014 Inductees:
Zoli Berenyi Sr. – Honor and celebrate this great Canadian Motocross Champion.
Steen and Marion Hansen – Support and reminisce with the Hansen family who for 45 years have helped to build Canadian motorcycling.
Steve Baker and Bob Work – Meet the legendary Canadian champion road race team that beat the world. Autographs and picture opportunities.
The Turple Brothers – The Red Deer dealership that for over 50 years has contributed to the motorcycle industry with sponsorship, great products, service and The Riders Den.
Peter Kellond – The record-setting West Coast road racer.
Murray Dochstader – ISDE rider, Baja 1000 team organizer and Kamloops area riding icon.
Steve Drane– Vancouver Island motorcycle racer, trainer and dealer extraordinaire.
Manitoba Motorcycle Club – over 100 years of Canadian motorcycling
Greg Williams – Calgary author and motorcycle historian
Canadian Motorcycle Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony
Chateau Lacombe Hotel
10111 Bellamy, Hill, Edmonton, Alberta T5J 1N7
Saturday, September 27th 2014 for tickets
— With notes from the Canadian Motorcycle Hall of Fame
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