Tumblin' Todd's Flat Track Blog Archives | Inside Motorcycles Magazine https://www.insidemotorcycles.com/category/blogs/todd/ Canada’s Source for Motorcycle News Since 1998 Thu, 06 Oct 2022 20:58:13 +0000 en-CA hourly 1 https://www.insidemotorcycles.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/cropped-favicon-1-32x32.png Tumblin' Todd's Flat Track Blog Archives | Inside Motorcycles Magazine https://www.insidemotorcycles.com/category/blogs/todd/ 32 32 Surron® Announces Canadian Release of 2023 Storm Bee Electric Off-Road Motorcycle https://www.insidemotorcycles.com/surron-announces-canadian-release-of-2023-storm-bee-electric-off-road-motorcycle/ https://www.insidemotorcycles.com/surron-announces-canadian-release-of-2023-storm-bee-electric-off-road-motorcycle/#respond Thu, 06 Oct 2022 20:57:28 +0000 https://www.insidemotorcycles.com/?p=30308 https://www.insidemotorcycles.com/surron-announces-canadian-release-of-2023-storm-bee-electric-off-road-motorcycle/feed/ 0 Tumblin’ Todd’s Flat Track Blog: Movin’ On Up https://www.insidemotorcycles.com/movin/ https://www.insidemotorcycles.com/movin/#respond Fri, 12 Jun 2015 19:50:05 +0000 https://dev.insidemotorcycles.com/movin/ It could come as a result of age, size or even ability, but one thing is certain in our sport. For those who start racing as children and continue with dirt track racing, at some point you are going to have to move to a bigger bike.

https://www.insidemotorcycles.com/movin/feed/ 0 Photo by Brad Mathews Photography
Tumblin’ Todd’s Flat Track Blog: DTX Vs. Framer https://www.insidemotorcycles.com/tumblin-todd-s-flat-track-blog-dtx-vs-framer/ https://www.insidemotorcycles.com/tumblin-todd-s-flat-track-blog-dtx-vs-framer/#respond Wed, 29 Apr 2015 21:19:00 +0000 https://dev.insidemotorcycles.com/tumblin-todd-s-flat-track-blog-dtx-vs-framer/ For those unaware, I will give you the Coles Notes version of the difference between DTX and ‘framer’ flat track bikes. A DTX machine is a motocross motorcycle that has been turned into a flat tracker via suspension changes and the addition of 19-inch wheels and tires, whereas a framer utilizes a purpose-built racing frame fitted with a motor, wheels, tank, etc.

https://www.insidemotorcycles.com/tumblin-todd-s-flat-track-blog-dtx-vs-framer/feed/ 0 Photo by Colin Fraser
Tumblin’ Todd’s flat track blog: The Off Season https://www.insidemotorcycles.com/tumblin-todds-flat-track-blog-the-off-season/ https://www.insidemotorcycles.com/tumblin-todds-flat-track-blog-the-off-season/#respond Tue, 10 Feb 2015 03:12:00 +0000 https://dev.insidemotorcycles.com/tumblin-todds-flat-track-blog-the-off-season/ With the calendar reading February and the snow banks getting higher, fans and racers alike are getting a bit antsy. The last race on Canadian soil was way back in September and seems like a distant memory now in this wind-chilled fog we call winter.

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Tumblin’ Todd’s Flat Track Blog: Time To Volunteer? https://www.insidemotorcycles.com/time-to-volunteer/ https://www.insidemotorcycles.com/time-to-volunteer/#respond Wed, 10 Dec 2014 02:49:21 +0000 https://dev.insidemotorcycles.com/time-to-volunteer/ Most fans (and likely most racers) are a little naïve as to what it takes to put on a race. The average fan shows up about half an hour before race time, while many racers get to the track just in time to sign in, unpack the trailer and head out for practice. Few, if any, give any thought to the dedicated group that has been there hours—and in some cases even days—before them.

https://www.insidemotorcycles.com/time-to-volunteer/feed/ 0 Photo by Outlaw Productions
Tumblin’ Todd’s Flat Track Blog: Travel Time https://www.insidemotorcycles.com/tumblin-todds-flat-track-blog-travel-time/ https://www.insidemotorcycles.com/tumblin-todds-flat-track-blog-travel-time/#respond Fri, 31 Oct 2014 23:46:16 +0000 https://dev.insidemotorcycles.com/tumblin-todds-flat-track-blog-travel-time/ Racing is a great hobby for some and for others it is a way of life. When you sign up for the racing game, there are a few expenditures to consider in preparation for the great time you are going to have at the track on weekends.

https://www.insidemotorcycles.com/tumblin-todds-flat-track-blog-travel-time/feed/ 0 Picture courtesy of Steeve Pouliot
Tumblin’ Todd’s Flat Track Blog: Asphalt Is For Getting To the Track https://www.insidemotorcycles.com/tumblin-todds-flat-track-blog-asphalt-is-for-getting-to-the-track/ https://www.insidemotorcycles.com/tumblin-todds-flat-track-blog-asphalt-is-for-getting-to-the-track/#respond Fri, 05 Sep 2014 19:20:04 +0000 https://dev.insidemotorcycles.com/tumblin-todds-flat-track-blog-asphalt-is-for-getting-to-the-track/ Over the years, there have been many great road racers that have got their racing careers started, or at the very least moving swiftly, by racing flat track. A few of the more recent are the legendary Hayden brothers and Jason DiSalvo. The Canadian flat track scene has seen a reversal of this trend in the past month, however, as four former and current pro road racers have shown up to have some fun in the dirt.

https://www.insidemotorcycles.com/tumblin-todds-flat-track-blog-asphalt-is-for-getting-to-the-track/feed/ 0 Photo by Colin Fraser
Tumblin’ Todd’s Flat Track Blog: The benefits of social media https://www.insidemotorcycles.com/tumblin-todds-flat-track-blog-the-benefits-of-social-media/ https://www.insidemotorcycles.com/tumblin-todds-flat-track-blog-the-benefits-of-social-media/#respond Thu, 17 Jul 2014 23:23:15 +0000 https://dev.insidemotorcycles.com/tumblin-todds-flat-track-blog-the-benefits-of-social-media/ The new riders of today have no idea how good they have it. With cellphones, laptops, texting, Facebook and so on, communication before, during and after the races is amazing compared to what it was like a couple of decades ago. I’m sure if youngsters Adrian St. Amand or Jordan Molnar could gather around the rocking chairs of grizzled veterans Chris Evans or John Parker, they would hear tales of how it was in the ‘old’ days.

https://www.insidemotorcycles.com/tumblin-todds-flat-track-blog-the-benefits-of-social-media/feed/ 0 Photo by Nick Becker/Outlaw Productions
Tumblin’ Todd’s Flat Track Blog: Magic of the Mile https://www.insidemotorcycles.com/tumblin-todds-flat-track-blog-magic-of-the-mile/ https://www.insidemotorcycles.com/tumblin-todds-flat-track-blog-magic-of-the-mile/#respond Tue, 03 Jun 2014 18:42:37 +0000 https://dev.insidemotorcycles.com/tumblin-todds-flat-track-blog-magic-of-the-mile/ Canada has Victoria Day, and the following weekend, the US has Memorial Day. One perk that the US has over us is that Memorial Day weekend also happens to coincide with the running of the legendary Springfield Mile at the fairgrounds in Springfield, IL. Since the majority of the flat trackers here in the great white north will never get the opportunity to run the mile, I talked to a couple of Canucks who recently did and got their take on what it is like to go 135 mph on a flat track bike.

https://www.insidemotorcycles.com/tumblin-todds-flat-track-blog-magic-of-the-mile/feed/ 0 Photo courtesy of AMA Pro Racing
Tumblin’ Todd’s Flat Track Blog: The allure of going south https://www.insidemotorcycles.com/tumblin-todds-flat-track-blog-the-allure-of-going-south/ https://www.insidemotorcycles.com/tumblin-todds-flat-track-blog-the-allure-of-going-south/#respond Mon, 21 Apr 2014 22:10:56 +0000 https://dev.insidemotorcycles.com/tumblin-todds-flat-track-blog-the-allure-of-going-south/ The Canadian flat track scene has produced some great racers over the years, and that can most likely be attributed to some fantastic bar banging battles that occur every weekend during the summer. Despite the great racing offered here however, there has always been the appeal for our riders to head stateside to try their luck. Whether it is for a race or two or for a whole season and whether your goal is to follow in the footsteps of the legendary Chris Carr or to obtain the status of grizzled veteran John Parker (who seems to be the unofficial mayor of the TT in Medina, NY), Canadians still want to head south to race.

https://www.insidemotorcycles.com/tumblin-todds-flat-track-blog-the-allure-of-going-south/feed/ 0 Photo by Mia Moore
Tumblin’ Todd’s Flat Track Blog: Summer in Paris https://www.insidemotorcycles.com/tumblin-todds-flat-track-blog-summer-in-paris/ https://www.insidemotorcycles.com/tumblin-todds-flat-track-blog-summer-in-paris/#respond Tue, 25 Mar 2014 18:43:37 +0000 https://dev.insidemotorcycles.com/tumblin-todds-flat-track-blog-summer-in-paris/ To the untrained observer, most tracks that hold flat track races may appear to be very similar. This is to say that they are all somewhat oval, and they all have four turns. While the size difference between certain tracks should be obvious to most, other characteristics such as track surface may be harder to spot from your seat in the bleachers on a Saturday night.

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Tumblin’ Todd’s Flat Track Blog: Phantom Sponsors https://www.insidemotorcycles.com/tumblin-todds-flat-track-blog-phantom-sponsors/ https://www.insidemotorcycles.com/tumblin-todds-flat-track-blog-phantom-sponsors/#respond Thu, 13 Feb 2014 23:34:16 +0000 https://dev.insidemotorcycles.com/tumblin-todds-flat-track-blog-phantom-sponsors/ We have been approached twice in the last year by 'Phantom Sponsors' and, I’ll be honest, I just don’t get it. For those who are unaware, my family is made up of racing enthusiasts with a son who is lucky enough to live his dream of racing flat track. As we are also very much a middle-class family, Braden couldn’t race without the generous support of great sponsors. 

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